Участок металлобработки

Участок порошковой окраски

Участок изготовления изделий из ППУ системы

Раскройно-швейный участок

Участок лазерной резки металла
On the basis of the design office of NiAS LLC, the seats go through a full production cycle: from model development to packaging of the finished product.
Safety and reliability of the seats is our priority. Before the start of serial production, each model is tested to obtain quality certificates.
The batch production process includes a number of key steps such as the production of blanks, drilling of technological holes, welding of parts, painting, production of polyurethane foam backing and seat upholstery. At all stages of production, strict quality control is carried out – a guarantee of the high class of our seats.
This is followed by the final stage – the process of final assembly of the product, including, among other things, the installation of the armrest, the installation of the seat belt. At the same time, the seats undergo regular quality control: both the appearance and the structural structure of the model are checked. Now the product is ready for sale and is sent to the packaging area.